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【論文】Sugimoto et al. (2020) QTL mapping using microsatellite linkage reveals target-site resistance mutations conferring high levels of resistance against three mitochondrial complex II inhibitors in Tetranychus urticae


Sugimoto N, Takahashi A, Ihara R, Itoh Y, Jouraku A, Van Leeuwen T, Osakabe M (2020) QTL mapping using microsatellite linkage reveals target-site resistance mutations conferring high levels of resistance against three mitochondrial complex II inhibitors in Tetranychus urticae. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (in press)
【論文】Maeoka et al. (2020) Diagnostic prediction of acaricide resistance gene frequency using quantitative real-time PCR with resistance allele-specific primers in the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae population (Acari: Tetranychidae)

先日アクセプトされた修士2回生の前岡歩君の論文は、SharedItで内容を見ることができます。 以下のリンクから御覧ください。

Maeoka A, Yuan L, Itoh Y, Saito C, Doi M, Imamura T, Yamaguchi T, Imura T, Osakabe M (2020) Diagnostic prediction of acaricide resistance gene frequency using quantitative real-time PCR with resistance allele-specific primers in the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae population (Acari: Tetranychidae). Applied Entomology and Zoology (in press)
【論文】Tomimori et al. (2020) Effects of growth phase and ultraviolet-B pretreatment in perilla leaves on the two-spotted spider mite


Tomimori D, Hosokawa M, Aoki S, Osakabe M (2020) Effects of growth phase and ultraviolet-B pretreatment in perilla leaves on the two-spotted spider mite. Environmental Entomology (in press)